04-21-2003, 11:01 AM
Ounce again I NEVER STOLE ANYBODYS IDEA AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION Im MAKEING A new AK 47 in 3d studio max. LISTEN TO MY words SA-X "you[r] a fucking asshole ". I have been improving my original scope. i have another form WHERE I COULDNT GET My SCOPe to workif you read it you will under stand that i was haveing problems with it. This scope will go on my Ak47. And thanks to you guys im only going to release the F*ing screen shot. Now if there are so much problems with my scope then why have 57 poeple already downloaded it. <--[I HAVE A TRACKERTO THE URL]. Listen to me very carefully. I MADE THIS SCOPE FROM SCRATCH IF YOU DONT WANT IT FINE IF YOU DO THEN DOWNLOAD IT. leave me alone. PS: On my logo Below it says "welcome to my hell" i really ment that.