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Tripper is Offline
General of the Army
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Default 04-21-2003, 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by Vance1
Do you see now why I wanted Tripper to stay unbanned?

He is a disgrace to the community. When someone doesnt agree with him, his greatest comback is, of course, FLAMES. What a joke.
1. You're the bigger bitch, because you posted stuff about me while I was BANNED. In other words, you took a cheapshot that I was unable to reply to.

2. The fact that you posted that post in the first place, shows what type of person you are, and it is much worse than what I am.

3. That PM I sent was payback for the above. I sent in a PRIVATE MESSAGE, so that it would be discreet, and people wouldn't whine about the 'swear words.' I could have just as easily posted flames on this thread....But I don't want to get banned again.

4. Stop Whining.