Thread: holy crap!
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Default 04-21-2003, 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by Sclass12
ive actually had a brown recluse in my toilet as well. A couple years ago when i was 5 or so, I went to the bathroom, lifted the seat, and there was this huge brown thing that looked like a cicada before it becomes an adult, the thing was about as big as 2 tennis balls. Well, i threw the lid down, flusehd, and ran to my dad, where we came and it was gone...scared the shit outta me
I feel your pain man, spiders freak the shit outta me. However, remember that 'usually' in nature the smaller the animal/insect/etc. the more potent it's venom is likely to be. Which brings me to my point here. That huge ass spider hanging out in your toilet wasn't a Brown Recluse, here's the ugly little bastard up-close and personal:

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