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GBAPhoenix is Offline
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Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Default 04-22-2003, 07:51 AM

Agreed. I have not been on this forum long, but it has been long enough to have never seen anything helpful come from IssisX_O or |GOD|Bazooka Joe and many people to have had their questions answered by the real BazookaJoe and many others of the 10,000+ posters. We owe these people our thanks for being willing to help those of us new to the game, not our scorn and ridicule.

Gentlemen, please ask your Mommy for permission to use the computer next time as I think your actions here today have proved that you should not be trusted with any device that allows others to actually see your stupidity in action. oOo:

Good Day and thanks BazookaJoe for all your past help.
