What the new expansion will be like -
04-22-2003, 09:49 AM
- Even more crappy and unbalanced maps such as 'Unterseite', 'Verschneit' and 'Bazaar'
- Lots of sound bugs
- The butt-scoot should return; this may be difficult to realize, if not practicable, some other strange manoeuvre will be implemented (e.g. foes will 'dive' when fired upon)
- All good things of original MoHAA and Spearhead (if any) will be excluded
- Lots of new inaccurate new skins and weapons
- Strange 'fog' will not only be present while in 16-bit mode (like in Spearhead), but also in 32-bit mode.
- Even faster run speed, Quake 3 style (necessary, maps will be even bigger than some Spearhead maps)
- Default mode is realism, only possible to disable by typing some extravagant command in the console -> all internet servers will be running realism, 90% of players will be using MG.
- Performance will be even crappier than Spearhead
- Patch 1.11 will be available for download on D-Day +1, which doesn't actually fix anything but will include a new rifle and map, until then only available in the demo
- Some multiplayer maps will be taken from MoHAA and Spearhead singleplayer, but slighlty modified
- Lean-strafing will still be disabled
- The ladder-glitch will return
- A bug will be implemented in level 1 of the singleplayer mission, many people will be unable to continue until D-Day +1
- Even less taunts than in Spearhead, but lots of 'wheehooo' taunts will be present.
And, last but not least:
- The Italians use grenades with purple smoke!!! Yes!!!
But seriously: I hope this expansion will be good, MoHAA style. But that is not what I'm expecting. We'll see what the next expansion brings us.
What I am hoping for: New maps (just as well-balanced as the orinal ones), new skins, new weapons and the exact same 'feel' as MoHAA original has. Why change something that is already approaching perfection.