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A few questions.......
AndyMan87 is Offline
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Posts: 3
Join Date: Apr 2003
Default A few questions....... - 04-22-2003, 12:53 PM

1: When running a server, how do you kick people with a space in there name? I can kick names without spaces, but if somebody has a space and i try to kick them it returns some computer talk giberish.

2: My servers never show up on Gamespoy, nor do they show up in the in-game server list. Players can connect via IP, but my server doesnt show up on the lists. And yes I do have 'Use GameSpy" checked.

3: How do I remove ammo from certain weapons? For example if i want to make my server a sniper only, or maybe no rockets, or maybe slappers only.

Thanks, I would apreciate it if anybody could answer any of these.
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