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OK lets NOT get BENT over on this one...!
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Default OK lets NOT get BENT over on this one...! - 04-22-2003, 01:58 PM

Wow, I am hopping for some new life for MOHAA.. but lets face it, EA has bent it's customers over at every turn. If we went on it’s track record alone it’s a given that this expansion will be messed up. Spearhead. had potential but many glitches later and servers that cost TWICE as much as because of extra resources and I am NOT going to get Burnt for the 15th time by EA.

I suggest we get a couple of trusted people to try this out and report on it here fully before we all rush out rush out and buy it as EA laughs to the bank saying “suckaas”.. We need to get it reviewed first by real life unbiased people not some games review that takes advertisement from EA..

I do have hopes for this but rather then get suckered into thinking it's going to be awesome.. I'll hold off untill some people here review it first in Multiplayer.

spearhead.. LOL (oh yes BTW we will be charging DOUBLE for a spearhead server)
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