Originally Posted by Fallout
Originally Posted by Zoner91
heh heh
I can do animations. I just don't like 'em.
Zone is at a place where he doesn't even need animations, with his attention to detail and quality of sigs, animation would just clutter it up and make it look like shit. ANimations are cool for about a day, then you have to realize, "Oh wait, it's the same as another sig, just without as many cool graphics (or sometimes too many graphics) and it takes up much more room and makes the page load slower"
Overall, Zoner owns the animation sigs with his detailed sigs that include great blending, cutting, source images, and bitchin text.
First of all, this is in no way to offend Zoner, he is a great guy and a great sig maker.
Fallout - Just because YOU don't like animations doesn't mean other people do. Just because I am learning new things in photoshop and animation programs doesn't mean that they are cool for about a day. Maybe to you. And they aren't just the same as any sig.
You have your own opinion on animations, and other people have theirs.
Putting down animations saying they look like shit, or too have too much "clutter", is lame. I agree Zoner is a much better sig maker than me, because he is more talented with the programs he uses. You don't have to kiss his ass though and put other people down. hake: