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Default 04-22-2003, 03:14 PM

First off, I don't think Pacific Assault is an expansion at all, isn't it supposed to be a sequel?

Secondly, if EA are to pull this off they need to spend a lot more time on MP than SP. There's no point releasing another lack-lustre set of piss-easy to complete missions if they also neglect MP again.

Did they neglect MP in SH? Yes and no. They brought in a lot of new weapons, some of which are really good. But, they buggered it up because they did not spend any time at all on the most important part of the expansion.

MP maps.

People here say they dislike the maps because they're unbalanced, laggy and large.

I'd agree but it's not EA that designed them and there lies the issue.

I haven't played SH enough to be 100% sure but from what I saw they created 1-2 MP maps themselves and for the rest they just used player-made ones and converted MOH:AA SP maps!

Neglect in the extreme.

You simply cannot expect the public to produce material for a commercial game and expect it to be top quality, no matter how good they are at what they do.

2015 created their maps with the players in mind. They created them all quite small, limited access in most so you didn't end up with tons of redundant rooms and areas and spent the time to compile each properly with efficient VIS.

Being a mapper I am fully aware of how much time this takes on a normal machine, which most of us have. A proffesional company should have access to much faster hardwear and they can use this to their advantage.

Most of the maps EA used in SH were winners in their competition. A competition so limited by its own rules that it was just asking for trouble.

Even then the final produce was not playable, or just plain dull!

Some of the maps are good. One or two are up to the standards I'd expect from a proffesional release.

The rest are just average, badly textured and horribly rendered behemoths.

If EA pass their mapping over to the public again I will refuse to buy this expansion by default.

Butt-scooting and crappy sound bugs don't even come into the picture when I can't actually play a server rotation without having to leave due to my athlon xp 2000+ struggling to keep my game running over 20 FPS!

Bottom line is this: EA could take the positives from SH - that is weapon choice, snazzy and neat UI, smoke 'nades, no lean-strafe (Lord, how can anyone see leanstrafe as a positive??) and mix them with the positives from MoH - such as the sturdy reliable maps, most still with great playability, excellent animation and sounds and so on.

They then need to cut out the crap from both and add in some new content (namely OBJ maps - Objective used to be my only mode of play but I am so sick of the same 3 maps now I only pllay DM).

Then I'll buy it. Gladly.

But, pessimism isn't even close to my attitude towards this expansion.

What companies like Valve and its community have been doing free of charge for years EA are doing a worse job of and charging us for it.

They are a company without eyes or ears.
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