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Default 04-22-2003, 04:15 PM

Lol, yeh... I forgot to add that... Liberation modes looks like a pile of tosh.

TOW was bad enough.

They need to FOCUS on objective variety. Go back to basics;
  • Rescure the prisoners (NPC ones not the bloody players themselves - dumb idea!)[/*:m:4f664]
  • Steal the papers/weapons (You know, like really steal them instead of just clicking on them and winning - infiltrate, exfiltrate objective mode for expample)[/*:m:4f664]
  • Breakout mode (Start with no weapons, have to escape - hard to get this mode right but damn it can be done).[/*:m:4f664]
  • Escort mission. Escort the convoy/VIP/General.[/*:m:4f664]
  • Control and defend - Push style but with 3 maps in one - This is the way TOW should have been done but without respawn. 3 maps - Allies, Neutral and Axis. You start in Neutral and there is a common goal that you both have to achieve. Whoever wins the round (either by player elimination or objective completion) then gains advantage and you move to the next map - That is, if the Allies win the Neutral map they all respawn in the Axis map. The Axis have to defend the objective to then push the Allies back to the Neutral map. If they fail then the Allies win! Simple but so much more in depth than TOW respawn.[/*:m:4f664]

That's just a few ideas but sadly they'll never be implimented.
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