04-22-2003, 06:11 PM
I don't see what's wrong with just being able to lean while static. Even forced walk speed when leaning would be better.
I use lean and strafe but only on corners so I wouldn't miss it for one second.
Incidentally I just tried a SH server for the first time in ages (hated it of course) but it had leanstrafe enabled somehow.
It was still poor to play, regardless. They have taken a well balanced and measured game and reduced it to a substandard Quake derrivative. Just like so many of the sub-standard FPS clones you see drudged out every year.
MoH:AA was a cut above in that it dared to be different and went for the mixture of two styles and pulled it off. It has its flaws but saldy, EA have addressed none in the way the community is crying out for them to do.
They should take out the SH animations and bring back the old ones for the next exp too. I enjoy rifling and sniping in MOH but in SH it's just ruined by the hit anims. You can't line up a couple of well aimed upper area shots because once you hit them and don't kill them they suddenly become uber agile. You may as well just use an automatic weapon (which everybody invariably does).
Honeslty, the lack of leanstrafe is far from the biggest issue in SH and I wouldn't mind if it remained the same in Breakthrough.
It's all opinion, of course, but you must agree at least with the fact that it's not the main problem with SH.