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Default 04-22-2003, 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by Ydiss
It's all opinion, of course, but you must agree at least with the fact that it's not the main problem with SH.
I did, although not explicitly.

Originally Posted by Ydiss
They have taken a well balanced and measured game and reduced it to a substandard Quake derrivative.
Agreed and well put.

Furthermore: It is difficult to say what some (most) people don't like about Spearhead. It is the total package that counts in this case. When I first played MoHAA I instantaneously liked it. With Spearhead, almost the complete opposite was the case.

Of course, standing still is going backwards, but one should remember what made one moving onward in the first place. I am not a pro in game development, but they are, they ought to know what made MoHAA such a success? At least, the original developers should.

I just hope they can bring back that very same feeling and gameplay. MoHAA has giving me much pleasure and distraction from the normal everyday routine (or did it change my routine, biggrin: ).
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