Thread: Rockets and lag
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Rockets and lag
Tiwaz is Offline
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Default Rockets and lag - 04-23-2003, 01:47 PM

Yesterday while playing MoHAA, I saw two players discussing whether using (many) rockets can cause 'lag'. One of them said they don't, the other one said they do, if the server is running on its limit.

Personally, I think they can cause a server to lag. For instance, consider a server that hosts 20 people. All slots are occupied. The server has just enough processing power to process the game. 5 people start using rockets. Rockets require more power, and the server begins to 'lag'. It has difficulty processing all the info.

Why do I think rockets require more power?

- Bullets arrive the instant they are fired, in MoHAA. The moment I fire my rifle, the server already 'knows' what the bullet is going to hit. As if players (opponents) are frozen in time. A rocket doesn't instantaneously reach its target. And, because the server can not determine in which direction a player will be moving, the player is not frozen in time. Keeping track of the rocket requires more power.

- A rocket splinters on the wall. The server needs to calculate what and how many possible targets take a hit.

Was the guy who said a rocket requires more processing power right? Am I right?

I think I am, because the game became less 'smooth' (it was acting up) the moment many people started using rockets, whilst my connection was the same (ping 50), and the number of people playing also remained the same.
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