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Re: hi
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Default Re: hi - 04-23-2003, 05:08 PM

[quote="Mick[M@D]":2595a]i use the arrow keys too

i tried using that wsda crap but i hated it

the easist way to lean and run at same time is by running diagonal

hold in Up and Right and use your spare finger to hit your lean keys ( delet and Pg Down)

leaning is great way to avoid being shot by snipers (if you do it right)

if you are doing a sniper battle from each side of the map i usualy always let the other sniper shoot first because then i have that hole time to aim them up while standing still before they can shoot at me again

ok im off the topic but

here are my keys

up down left right = you know what they down

Num key 0 = zoom
Num key 1 = duck
Num key 4 = reload
ctrl = walk
enter = open door
shift = holster weapon
delet = lean left
Pg down = lean right
Home = drop weapon

quick tip on drop weapon

if your using your sniper up close with another sniper if you shoot him and his still alive he is on 5 health throw down your sniper gun by pressing Home and your pistol will come out straight away you dont ahve to put your sniper away then get out your pistol, it comes out straight away no waiting[/quote:2595a]

ineteresting key settings.. hmm see i go with nothing fancy. i use a two button mouse, and thats it. my controls are
d=move right, strafe right
a=move left, strafe left
1=6=weapon choice
space bar=jump
f=drop weapon
e=open door, set bomb

and thanks for that drop sniper thing... everyone figured that out about well since forever. but thnx ! oOo:
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