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Default 04-24-2003, 08:05 AM

Thanks guys.

I'll make a quick "Blow up the target" obj version once the TDM/DM/RB version is completed and released.

I'll design it along these lines:

Allies have just taken control of the town and are preparing to deploy reinforcements when an Axis patrol happens upon the area. They have to retaliate by sabotaging two tanks/supply trucks (or whatever). This would allow them to regain control of the town.

Allies spawn on the North side, Axis on the South. The bomb targets would be located under the bridge and by the park (next to the pub).

If I had the inclination to and the skill at scripting I'd have replaced this with a more fun objective whereby all the players must rush to the pub and drink as much as they can before closing time and then beat the crap out of eachother outside. Last one standing wins. Pity this isn't entirely possible. Damn you EA!

What to call the map? Good question. "Crossfire: Part Deux" is a tongue-in-cheek working-title, but I don't think that'll do.

It's not based on a real location so I wouldn't like to name it after a European town of the war.

I was thinking "Crossfire Village" (TDM/DM/RB) and "Crossfire Village: Retaliation" (Objective).

Sound ok?
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