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Default 04-25-2003, 09:43 AM

Made quite a big structural alteration last night, one that isn't included in the original plan. I'll post a pic of it later on.

The building is a gate-house (roughly similar to the bit in the Sniper's Last Stand SP map in MoH:AA where you have to blow the gate down with the Bazooka).

The building arches across the road and the road is blocked by the gate. In order to get past you have to go inside the building and out the other side on the balcony.

This area will be where the Allies will spawn in Objective mode. Under the arch will be a tank (possibly a Tiger they have liberated). This will be the Axis target. When you see a screenshot of it later I hope you'll appreciate the tactical positioning. It's really just to make the position more defendable but also to make it more approachable and not so open on all sides.

I'll release the DM map for testing tomorrow(!). I'll post a link in a new topic and I want everyone who is going to host it to post their server details for everyone to use, please.

I'll give the map a week of testing at the most and take as much feedback as I can. During this week I'll script the Objective version.

One more question... Are there any people here who own or have access to a dedicated European server?

I'd really like to try my own map out with a semi decent ping biggrin:
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