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Default 04-25-2003, 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Vance1
Yeah, call me a cock because I have a valid point and you dont - I dont think AZNAC day had such an impact on the world as DNA, do you? Was it so signifigant to every person on the planet earth? DNA affected the whole world. I never even heard of AZNAC day until yesterday.

WTF....You stupid fucking hypocritical hick.

By The Way....You played a brilliant Poo-faced git, in that movie Pure Ignorance.
Let me tell you something, Robinson Crusoe was one of the most best selling books of ALL TIME. Almost everybody in the world knows what Robinson Crusoe is. It was also made into a movie that won countless awards. Now go up to your average guy in Canada, America, or the UK and ask himwhat the hell AZNAC day is and he will probably stare at you with a blank face.

Oh, and fuck off you stereotypical peice of shit bastard.

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