04-25-2003, 09:53 PM
[quote:d1862]Sorry to say, but his sounds came from The Beatles, you could say John Lennon invented Jimi Hendrix, his sounds came from The Beatles, download the song I Feel Fine, that sound.
that is the dumbest statement i read in a long time. hendrix was discovered by chas chandler the bass player for the animals. and for 1 hendrix played the chitlin circuit for years. and even played with ike turner, and little richard. he was brought up on the blues. he was playing a long time before beatles came around.
and who were the beatles influnced by. can you say bob dylon.
you ether miss read i miss heard that qoute from george. dont get me wrong hendrix liked the beatles but they are in no way resposable for his sound.
in fact when they realed sgt pepper on a friday. he learned it and the 1st time they saw him on that sunday he played it and they were amazed. and just stood there in awe.