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[EC]Mjr. Winters is Offline
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Default 01-14-2002, 07:46 AM

Hollywood always makes movies about the americans, showing them off as heros. I have no problem with this, i loved those 2 movies, no really, i think ive seen SPR like 23 times.

But, as a canadian, i would like to see a movie about the canadians in the war. Apparently one of the canadian companies was one of the most brutal in the war, shooting prisonners and such. The germans were littleraly scared of them. My friends grand father became his platoons CO as a corporal when the captain was killed. He told some stories to my friend but not much because he always breaks into tears when ppl ask him about his service in the great war.
Anyways, i think a movie following the canadians a la band of brothers, you know, throughout the whole war would be sweet.
What do you think ?
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