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Weapons switching problem
MEAT_PUPPET is Offline
Posts: 68
Join Date: Apr 2003
Default Weapons switching problem - 04-27-2003, 08:43 PM

I've been having a real problem while in either SP or MP my game will freeze for just a second then switch to a different weapon, half the time this happens while I'm in CBQ in MP. needless to say what the outcome is on that. This has been going on for several months now and I'm at wits end. I only have 4 programs running in the background norton,ZA,Explr,Systray, my machine can handle these just fine. 1.3Gig P4, 1 Gig RAM, Nvidia GEforce 2 64Meg ultra w/ updated drivers, I think this is sufficient.
Has anybody else encoutered this type of issue? Please help, I'm about to give my computer an attitude adjustment w/ a baseball bat. mad:
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