04-28-2003, 11:16 AM
Thanks MP. biggrin: I appreciate it.
I didn't really go for anything amazingly diverse or revolutionary and most of the modelling is very straight-forward. I didn't really push any boundaries back and I didn't make it too detailed. I just wanted to make a stalwart and playable map that looked the part without having too much eye candy.
I do appreciate the compliments, though.
Incidentally, I have noticed on more small error but it's the kind of error that only I could notice, because it's so out-of-the-way.
By the red-brick gatehouse there are buildings that border the north side and under the roof-edge there is a gap that allows you to see thru it and to the sky. Very small error but one I have fixed. Purely asthetics.
Objective again won't be anything revolutionary but it will feature Axis attacking (which is quite rare) and it's pretty much ready to go.
I'll post a full list of all the bugs I (and Mpowell) have found and fixed.
I won't release another test version as the problems are all only visual and none change the playability (The missing faces cannot be fired through and I doubt players will be seen thru them - except one they are all just caulk showing).