04-28-2003, 01:33 PM
Thanks again, MP. Despite my dislike of "altered" maps I have always thought your work was very good.
I have actually often wondered why you have never made a map of your own.
Having said that, the problem I faced before I started this map was one a lot of mappers must face this far on and that is "What do I map that is new?".
A lot of themes and ideas have been used already and the original stock textures have been raped, to be fair. In this map I had to look hard and long to find and use the textures and make the map look bright and different.
Something I've never bothered to try is to design my own textures (or even just import ready made ones - if only to give my map a unique theme).
I may just try that next time, but it will be much more time-consuming.
By the way, I have already drawn up a blueprint with pen and paper for my next map and it's a lot more ambitious than this one.
I'll let you know the details once this map is complete.
Just a small hint though is that it's based on a farm style structure surrounded by fields/forests and countryside. It'll be open but I have pre-designed it in such a way (hopefully) that will keep each area (of which there are 7) completely segregated, VIS-wise) from eachother.
It will be basically a central farm area surrounded by 6 sections (making a roughly oval shaped map) and is going to be very large.
It will be different to any country/farm/trench map out there, I promise.
All going well I'll start work on it next week. biggrin: