01-15-2002, 11:37 AM
_spiewalk(22:35 PM) :
Looking past my poor grammar ( due to lack of sleep) you must agree with me...
KillorLive(22:36 PM) :
I think that if it's not nailed to the ground it's mine.
Not nailed as in passworded.
I'm not old enough to be prosecuted for online fraud so I can get away with practical murder.
TsR]RareAir23(22:33 PM) :
Very nice and too bad for the warez company mentioned. But they should've known they were gonna crack down sooner or later.
KillorLive(22:33 PM) :
I could tempt the feds all I want.
I'm not of age to be prosecuted.
KillorLive(22:34 PM) :
Atleast not in online fraud.
[TsR]RareAir23(22:34 PM) :
Yes but Jared is. He's 21 now.
KillorLive(22:34 PM) :
He could use a burrito up the port hole.
[TsR]RareAir23(22:34 PM) :
Speaking of online fraud, there's this kid who plays baseball at his high school who scammed people online out of $1 million and now the feds wanna bust his ass, they just don't know how!
KillorLive(22:35 PM) :
They can't if it was online.
[TsR]RareAir23(22:35 PM) :
HAHAHAHA! Want me to quote you on that one to Jared?
KillorLive(22:35 PM) :
KillorLive(22:35 PM) :
Also tell him the Lee Ermey thing.
[TsR]RareAir23(22:35 PM) :
No problemo!