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Default gameplay - 04-29-2003, 08:31 AM

Wow. Nice big map. Favored medium and long ranged weapons. Once the melee broke out it was rifles, smgs, and mgs galore. Didnt see a single shotgun used. Rockets were only effective incertain areas.

This map favors team tactics. The lone wolf will be eaten alive. Had snipers providing cover fire and advanced medium range assault teams forward via the flanks. You literally fought for each block and advanced or retreated accordingly. Major choke point was the bridge near the Bar. I was able to nade over most of the walls as well which is cool for clearing out areas before advancing. I could see the use of shotguns in the interiors of the library and bar areas if teams were forced back. There was absolutely no spawn camping. This i dont see as an issue. FPS ranged from 30-100+ depending on what area i was in and type of melee. No issues there!! This is one map I would love to see adopted for TDM ladder and leagUe play.

In closing (and to finally get of Ydiss' cock) this was a well planned map. You seem to have developed a very basic and effective style for map making. You have a golden formula with this one. I enjoyed your first map, but this one is much better.
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