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Spineharvester[GF] is Offline
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Default 01-15-2002, 02:46 AM

This should be good...ok Zibbe who you know at EA?

Since I have people in my clan that work at EA, I was a captain of the CS clan GB that the server is hosted at EA. I know all the guys in C4 and 7-bits who work at EA...wanna tell me who there you know.

Yeah...I don't think that you wil be telling me anytime soon.

"Especially when youre trying to lure more people into your f**king sick cult. I cna't beleive you sick peices of s**t are still alive, you should be sentanced to death. My god, having a clan that embraces murder and rape? You're the people that give gaming a bad name." - Koshi VISIT GF CLAN SITE EDITED FOR COWARDS
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