Thread: Techno music
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Default 04-30-2003, 08:17 AM

Fantastic ANALysis there, but really, who gives a shit ? It's just electronic noise. Big deal.

Tripper, I never said there was no skill involved did I ? I said no talent and structure. Maybe saying no talent was a bit over the top, but when I listen to music, I like structure, I like a clearly defined theme and lyrics to match.

We are on both different sides of the musical field though, so we could never agree on anything musically as far as taste goes. I retract my statement about no talent, in my younger years I was in that crowd, hip hop, rap, techno....whatever, I knew DJ's, I skated with them, and they did have talent.

But when I go see bands that I like playing, which is rare these days, those guys have more energy and conviction than any DJ can muster up and definately have more musical talent.

But anyway, respect to them, they gotta do what they gotta do to get by in life.
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