Originally Posted by Ydiss
Techno, Trance, Hard-Trance, House, Hard-House, Hardcore, Happy-hardcore, Dance, Garage, Speed-garage, Drum and bass, Jungle, Ambient to name but a few are all genres of an era that has progressed from early 80s to the present day.
Its pretty much all club music to me, good to dance to. I had a roommate that could tell you the dif betwen all of them. When we would have parties, he would ask which type we wanted to hear. I would just tell him to put on some shit with a beat. All these different gernes, for basically the same type of music, hell, you would think the government was naming them. If you have to be an expert to name that type of music, its just plain overkill, but I guess it makes the '1337' feel good to be able to call everyone else n00bs.