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Yasny is Offline
Posts: 40
Join Date: Jan 2003
Default 05-01-2003, 12:23 PM

Ok, I've download and played all three parts. Heres what I think.

Part 1

Theres some pretty bad fps problems outside. I got P4 2,4 GHz, 1GB DDR-ram and GF4TI4600 and I'm getting 20-30 fps. The top floor (not the roof) has a bit too many snipers on it (I mean... is indoor) Other than that is pretty good. But why do so many axis have allied weapons?

Part 2

A bit too many snipers but I don't mind that too much. But I think you should remove some of the bazooka-guys. Inside the warehouse it gets pretty tricky if you don't switch the alarm of fast. New soldiers spawn directly in the room instead in a room next and the run to the warehouse. The three guys with StG44 in the closets is a bit much. One (or 2 if two had another weapon) would do. But thats all minor details, so I think thats a good map. Nice fps too.

Part 3

Holy ****. I thought Sniper Last Stand was tough, but this is insane. I never even got out of the room before I died the first time. The guy on the platform in the tree is damn hard to see. Theres way too many snipers here and it's like they're all using wallhack, aimbot and got unlimited clip size. If they at least had to reload it would be playable, but they don't. This is areally tough map. I must admit it, I had to cheat to finish it. Fps dips to about 25-35 in a few places but is otherwise good.

It needs more work, but it could be really good. Apart from the few fps killers the map design is very nice.
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