Thread: Hanging It Up
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Default 05-01-2003, 05:13 PM

These are some harsh but true facts.

Be to honest you maps arent all that great. except for the scripting.

People could care less if you go, your just 1 SN out of thousands.

To me, you have that cocky, "Im the best" type of attitude

I also think you think, that people owe you something.

If you want feedback you wont get it at make your home @ TMT

As far as the Near Death experience, it seems like you want simpathy

As A fellow mapper giving advice to another, YOU ONLY MAKE MAPS FOR YOURSELF and share them with others. There is no deadline when you have to release your maps or what it should or shouldnt look like. You have to understand there are always people better than you in anything. Understanding that should push you to be a better mapper.
Your not doing this to get respect from people you dont know. Your doing this for yourself, as a hobby whenever you want to.

You should not depend on support. People who depend on support are the ones droping out of High School (in this case, mapping). The people doing it for themselves are the ones flying the space shuttles and other good stuff

You might take some of the things I said Personally, but all im trying to do is make you wake up...and face the facts.

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