Thread: Hanging It Up
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Default Thanks. - 05-01-2003, 07:16 PM

I really respect all of your work. I work hard to make maps for people just to simply have fun with. Most of you are very smart and are a great contribution to all of these sites we frequent. I mod for fun and for a portfolio of work. When I finally get out of being sent from hospital to hospital, I will be able to further intensify my work on this game. Right now, sitting here at the hotel I am at, I got a lot of work done already on my next project. I just want you guys to try my work and try and beat the SP maps I just made, because damn it, I could barely beat the third level.

If you don't like me, cool. Just please try not be such an asshole about it. In the future, if I some day I disappear, don't ever think it was you guys. My health isn't good and I will refrain from the details. You think I am a pussy? I am probably one of the strongest men you will ever know.
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