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Default 05-01-2003, 09:49 PM

Ok here goes. The snipers in level 3 are ment to be that hard. I know it sucks, but think about it. This is a fort outside of the Dawn Invasion town that has superior snipers. You can't stick your head out. SOme are armed with m1 garands. I even gave some of the workers a silenced pistol. It was all to add variety to the levels. Sometimes with that mauser the sniper can easily kill you in two shots.

I apologize for the fps if your computer can't handle it. Beleive me I followed every rule when it came to making these maps. But there are extra furniture, lighting affects i.e. glow to the bulbs, spotlights, tons of enemies and a wide variety of textures. This kida drains the cpu but can still be very fun if you drop your settings.
Good luck guys. You WILL need it.
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