Thread: Hanging It Up
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Default 05-01-2003, 10:50 PM

I do feel bad for you for that really.
Ok keep in mind i am only 13 and this happened when i was 11.

On a cold Febuary day the 21st of 2001 i went to school like a regular day..
First 3 periods went fine till i have Shop
I was working on a wood lathe the teacher not in the room this chick pushed me into the wall and my finger was Shoved into the lathe (the actual part was a little circle thing with a hole in the middle that spinned with a lathe) and my finger was spun around in a 180 shoved back to the front of my hand and to the side (while i was pulling it out)The teachers werent there I was in the farthest room from the nurses and i had to walk! (keep in mind the only thing keeping my finger there is a tendon) I lost alot of blood so i nearly collapsd walking. So i go to my dads hospital and they didnt want to give me morphine yet cuz i was so little! So the set my ginger so the one artery there could give blood WORST PAIN EVER! So the Doctor comes in Dr. Chin a chinesse doctor best hand specialist where i live i go into surgery for nearly 8 hours. And nearly lost my finger... Right now u can only move one join in my left index finger it is the bottom joint(knuckle) and i will never move any other joint
I have 5 screws, 2 pins (had three took out one) and i will never be able to play my love Football again
Oh and i forgot they took a vein from my wrist and put it in my hand

I know it isnt as bad as yours but the recovery was the hardest thing ever! Especially for someone my age...
I have had Halucinations ever sence
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