Thread: WTF...
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Default 05-01-2003, 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by ninty9

Deep down I think ALL people are racist to some degree. The only persons who aren't are blind and deaf. Everyone can see the difference between a white and a black person. We judge people upon the way they look. If they carry a skateboard or listen to rap music, we all pass judgements.

I tried to say that at a Debate in School one time and got in school suspension for a few days. No one believes that everyone is racist, even Blacks and any other race are racist. They get off a lot easier then they think the North at least. If they get fired from a job, " Oh he fired me because I'm Black." " Oh he fired me because I'm a Jew." Something that would never fly would be " Oh he fired me for being a White Christian." Some things are fucked up, people need to grow up.
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