Thread: New grunge sig.
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Default 05-02-2003, 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
No more disturbing than the pics joe posted a while back of a dead guy, or even the pics i posted a while back of the columbine killers with their heads blown off.
Did I ever say that those images were ok?? No I didn't. In fact, I didn't see them since they were mercifully removed before I did. If I had seen them, you can be damned sure I would've lobbied for their removal.

I'm just trying to keep a tame section of the forum. That's all. I'm all for artistic, fill your fucking boots with it. However, there are things that just should not be shown on this forum. I think that baby image falls into that category. And the other people who posted in that thread apparently thought so too (aside from you and anti).

I'm sure the intention of the image, as anti noted, was to shock and disturb. Fine. Post it elsewhere; not on a gaming web forum where there could be youngish people. Call me a prude or a nazi, I don't fucking care. I'm doing my job as I see fit.  247
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