05-03-2003, 05:09 AM
i have to agree with ydiss on this...that is such an urban legend that 56k causes lag. the only ppl who suffer from 56k lag...is the ppl with the 56k. the fact is, dialup connections have no effect on the "lag" of a server. i help run my clans server, and before i got cable last august i, used to have 56k. i can ASSURE you that having a dialup connection on a server doesnt cause everyone else to lag. it is simply bs. i cant tell you how many times 56kers have been playing in a server im in and everyone else stays below 60 ms pings.....absolutely untrue myth and its very tiresome to hear noobs complain about the damn 56k lagging the server hake: the only thing that 56kers will do is make it hard for you to kill them since they will be skipping all over the place. but as far as making other ppl lag, its simply proposterous eek: