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¤DeZiGn WaRz : ThE wAr CoNtInUeZ¤
Homedog354 is Offline
Posts: 73
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: I live in the sewers with rats!
Default ¤DeZiGn WaRz : ThE wAr CoNtInUeZ¤ - 05-03-2003, 09:31 PM

Ok... as you know this is a dezign wars! oOo: Here Are The Rules:
§The dezign must be 400x150 Pixels
§The dezign must be based on WW2
§The dezign may say a quote or saying of your choice ***NOTE*** The quote or saying must be war related and must be a positive saying, dont say like "Die You F***ERS!" <-- Nuthin like that!
Those are the rules, please follow them!
And the date that it will be due is Friday, The 9th, I think, I not positive! So there are the rules so get started!

***P.S. I tried to do a design warz, b4, and I admit i was trying to get a good sig, but trust me it's not for a good sig!*** biggrin: