01-15-2002, 05:21 AM
You may also notice on these maps that in real life Dog 1 was not opened in the 20 minutes it took in the movie. Nor was it opened by the first assult wave. In fact, if they showed what really happened people would not have believed it, as it was not as awful as they show in the movie - it was WORSE. It was a LOT worse, and went on for hours.
Dog 1 Exit did not get open for 5 hours +. The first and second waves were slaughtered in numbers that dwarf what they showed in the movie. But if they did include all that it would have taken half the movie right there. The Rangers were still clawing their way off the bluffs long after the Easy exits and Dog 3 were open and "in business."
Pretty awful and sad day for the guys who landed in the worst spots.
[This message has been edited by LordLovat (edited January 16, 2002).]