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Default 05-05-2003, 03:20 AM

My opinion is its been dumbed down too much for friggin n00bs. I mean the little radar thing is really stupid, it shows when enemy grenades are being tossed your direction like wtf. Anyone with a bit of sense would just watch for them but since n00bs are gonna play this since its retail they need to attach some sorta fucking beacon to the grenade possibly with siren to let them know grenade approaching run like fuck. oOo:

Saying that though the n00b will probably stand and stare in amazement at the grenade before calling hacks after he gets blown to fuck away.

Another thing is the amount of stuff theyve lifted from medal of honor over the past few revisions. Anyone whos been here a while will remember the and forum wars, anything medal of honor had in pic form dodr's tried copying it and claiming that "they weren't copying stuff". I remember that fucking idiot kamakazi one of the dod "team" saying the medal of honor series was copying from dod, i helpfully informed him medal of honor was on the psx long before dod was even a concept and he shut the fuck up and deleted the thread. ( he loved being proved wrong)

Anyway the dod "team" said they wouldn't go the way of moh but with this release they obviously have. We now have a garand with a buttclub animation (where have i seen that before) add to the fact the animation is pretty shit and its a pretty lame addition anyway. Then we have the 2 types of grenade toss (hmm where have i seen that before) which is barely usefull at the best of times.

We also have fucking movement when zoomed in (hmm where have i seen that before) which is an unrealistic feature for what is supposed to be a mod thats based on realistic features. Casting my mind back i remember the dod whingers bullshitting that the garand reload in the old moh vids was too fast but oddly enough come dod 3.1 their garand relaod animation was pretty much a carbon copy of the moh one as well as being about the same in duration. Oh yeah and "bazookas"..... oOo:. May as well add shotguns to finalise the similarities once and for all. eek:

The big problems with this release is framerate, most maps seem to lag like fuck when multiple grenade explosion effects are going off. Add the retarded "deathcam" into the mix which helpfully shows who you killed where you are (ala battlefield 1942) and its obvious the game has been turned into a game laden with n00b friendly features). Also i really get the impression this deathcam was put in with the intention of nullifying snipers so fuck you dod team.

Im not gonna get started on their animations for the weapons which are wrong (coughTOMMYGUN RELOAD U IDIOTScough). It just irks me that they seem to think their mod is 100% original uninspired content when fucking stevie wonder could see a LOT of stuff has been lifted directly from medal of honor.

I remember back in the day the dod forums laughing at the fact how in moh you could drop and pick up enemy weapon saying it was unrealistic and even dod team members chiming in agreeing. Now all of a sudden since its in their mod its somehow a "useful feature" funny how u fuckheads weren't saying that a year ago or more. Oh and by the way YOUR ENFIELD BAYONET IS WRONG MORONS, so much for researching stuff, then again looking at the tommygun reload, the greasegun reload and the various other inaccuracies im not really suprised.

Imo dod has been sold up the river, its like counterstrike, its been n00bized for retail buyers and as long as the dod "team" are getting money from valve they won't care even though they voice their "concern" on the forums from time to time.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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