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Default hmmm - 05-06-2003, 06:09 AM

I would like to remind you what most of you pay to play on a server,,,

Truth is it costs 150 bucks for a good size server with good ping. That aside
the work an admin puts as well as the hours of spectating to keep it cheat free so you can play with peace in mind.

An admin may ask even the teams ..... then we are told to shut up.
An admin may ask to watch the language .. where told to fuck off
An admin may ask for the spam to stop ... it doubles,,,
An admin may say stop team killing......
If you see something you dont like on the server ... It is Gay ....

You are so fast to trash a server for something you dont like yet most never thank us for the things they do like.

I run the =LMAO= server, we are know for the custom mods we run and are filled around the clock .. there are alot of players that enjoy the surprise of a dog chasing them ... or added plane that flys by, we have created capture the flag in stock maps, as well as bash arena for those who enjoy that.

If it is not your type of thing move on silently, but you shouldt come into someones house and start complaining cause you dont like the color of paint in the kitchen, there are difrent tastes and styles, i hope you all find the server that fits you best,

To sum it up,, There are alot of freeloaders out there that are to fast moan. They complain with no understanding of the hours of work that goes into running a maintaind server, or days of scripting a mod that might bring a smile.

No matter what your tastes are, when you find the server that is right for you,, remember to say thank you before you leaave, that is all it takes for an admin to want to do more,


PS today a player came into our full server while we played capture the flag,,, he kept asking where the flag is ..and I spent the time to explain..
when he kept getting killed chargeing down main street. he says ... in caps
I asked him not to swear, and he told me to F off.. so i kicked him,
he came back in and asked why i kicked him I said rudness....
ASSHOLE was the reply.... I banned him.

instead of asking why server admins are retarted you should ask
why do server admins bother.
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