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Senior Member
Posts: 427
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: PA
Default 05-06-2003, 08:13 AM

I have seen some very stupid assholes as mods who realy shouldn't even be playing the game or they need to complet 2end grade. There was this one server that i was were the admin would kick you if

1.beat him in top score
2.sniped him several times even if he was standing in the open
3.if he killed you once and then you killed him 5 in turn
4.if he said he was the beast player on the server and you told him he wasen't
5.if he spawn camped and he killed you, you saw were he was and flanked him killed him and he would say you were cheating and kick you

this guy was realy retarded he couldent play for shit and unfortinatly he was the admin. needless to saw i didn't stay very long
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