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Dragonwraith is Offline
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Default 05-06-2003, 12:34 PM

I must say i agree with the others when they say "don't like it? move on!" I like you use to bitch and whine when i went into a "gay" server, but that was over a year ago when i 1st got the game.

Sure some mods may seem lame and unfair. Lets take the ALL SCOPE mod as an example. Yes every weapon has a scope but it has it's draw backs... You still have to deal with the range and accuracy of the weapon being used. BUT it also keeps everyone on they're toes which is thrilling to a lot of players.

Not all mods or servers for that fact are for everyone. Now that i'm an ADMIN with the TEAM i started with some friends i made while playing the harsh reality of how hard it is to make a server run and run smooth kicks me in the teeth. I myself don't work on our server ( i maintain our website ) but i appreicate ALL that "Catcorpse" does with our server.

We don't think like most clans do anyway. We call ourselves a "TEAM" and strive to make as fun and exciting server as we can. After all it is a game (can't believe i just said that). We just happen to choose not to run any server side mods, but that could change. My whole ADMIN team work hard to keep our games fun.

And F U N is what it's all about. So in closing all i gotta say is don't waste your time crying and bitching in here about a "gay" server and spend some time out there looking for the server that fits what your looking for.
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