One more thing, i did download a bunch of their custom maps that they put on their website. I took everything i have ever put on there. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WAHT IT DOES!. THANKX.
Originally Posted by riff16
Its weird, the server that i have been playing on for the last 3 months, nothing was ever wrong, now i am getting accused for no reason.
In one of the custom maps, can remember the name, there is an elevator, i heard it click when he started going up it , so i threw a nade. it killed him and he got pissed off.
He said he has been watching me for 3 or 4 days, under different names and he nows i am using it. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT IT DOES!.
yhes going to ban me.
The only thing i ever put on there were, a blood mod, a laser dot, and a new scope, this was 1 month ago, now i am getting acuused not then.
I dont know what to do.
i cant talk to him becasue the second i do he will ban me.