Thread: bot maps
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SeaLion bots
CheshireCat` is Offline
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Default SeaLion bots - 05-07-2003, 03:36 PM

Uber, I'd love to be notified if you do add bots to Sealion. As another 56K person, it'd be a great find for me

DSL is primarily limited to big cities, as it has a very limited number of cable feet that the signal can travel from the main office. Cable is limited to areas that actually have cable. Personally, neither DSL nor Cable is available where I live yet, way out in the boonies

Personally, while I can't say for MOH:AA, I've played with 10 people on a Battlefield 1942 server with no lag over 56K. It was only when it got up around 16 players that we had lag. This might have something to do with the 768MB of RAM on my machine, plus having a very clean line that gets 52K speed.

Once it's available and affordable I do intend to get cable, but until then (and probably even after then), it's wonderful to have bot maps to play on. I've actually run about 35 bots in OpCenter with only minimal lag at home.
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