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Default 05-07-2003, 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by ANGELDUST
I am truley sorry for the out burst i was WAY out of line I should have just looked away but sadly i did not my bad !
If i had known he was 13 I would have responded in a totaly differant manner.
I surely would not have cust him!
His profile dose not suggest his age again this dose not justify my reaction but i am only human and can only take so much lashing I responded stupidly and would like to extend my deepest appolagies to the 13 year old please except my regrets i cant remember his name!!!
also to all in the AA forams who have to read the slander i wrote i am truley sorry! know what..i dont know about anyone else but for me you just gained back some respect. you could have just left and forgot about it or told me to go f... myself. but you didnt. i get the same crap on my server. i play the game windowed with auto kick running in the background. when a jackass enters my server and starts crap. my regulars all start to say goodbye to him and laugh because they know whats comming next. i just hit the alt. tab button and kick and ban him from my server without giving it a second thought. i dont argue with these guys for a second. not worth my time. getting back the topic at hand..if what happened in your server is true. and i know if it is. but if it is and he used bad language twards the girl or anyone else in your server then you were toally justified for banning him from your server. i would have done the same thing. a lot of the problem is the public servers. some guys go wild in those things with cheats..language..respawn killing..its a giant free for all and a total mess. then they enter a privately operated server and think it works the same way..WEL IT DOEANT. at least not on my server and it sounds like not yours either. id be interested in visiting your server to see it for my self. your welcome to try mine. ive got a lot of mods on my server as well. just follow the link under my sig to my page..youll find the ip to my server there. its up every evining from about 7 till 11 week days and later on weekends.
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