American Reich -
05-07-2003, 06:04 PM
Hmmm, Well I don’t know about the rest of you guys but people that come in here like NOCTIS bragging about him self is not verry impressive. Seems like the only thing he IS coming in here to bitch about is his little friend Allied Girl. The ONLY one who invited him and like we give a shit who invited who. It is a loss to our clan losing her but she didn't see the same way the clan did, it happens and I don’t have any hard feelings about it. But I don’t feel that bitching about our forum is gonna hurt us much little man. I’ve seen lots of ppl come into the server with cheats on and the console has made sure the ppl have been caught. Now the ppl that have been banned for the wrong reason we apologize. We have had over 20,000 NEW I.P.s enter the server in the last 3 months and that’s not including the return ppl. I have personally seen more return ppl in the server than new and I play a lot. Now if we ban SOOOO many ppl than that would not be so don’t ya think? Noctis I don’t doubt you are a skilled player but in playing this game I have seen people that can match or beat your score in half the time it takes you to achieve it. So how do we know who is cheating and who’s not. I know AS IM SURE YOU DO that there are a lot of cheats that are not detectable even by the MOST advanced cheat detecting software so if I go into my server and see the person with the top kills has for an example 45 kills and only 5 deaths that looks really funny and for a person who SAYS he has run a world class server so to speak you sure don’t know much about how hard it is to catch cheaters. A good example would be id you where in a server and your soo good at this game, you had top kills and had lets say 40 kills and only 8 deaths. Not bad for a guy that has been playing this game since it’s come out. But right below you is a kid who has only had the game for 2 weeks and is matching you kill for kill because he has installed a nice little wall hack or aim bot. Now here’s my question to you Mr. Server….. how do you know who's cheating. They have the same score, same kills and deaths and have both been in there the same time. Well following them would be good but you don’t see anything out of the ordinary just making some nice shots as is the player who is not cheating. What do you do….. Not an easy decision for a person. Maybe they’re just both that good. Only the cheater knows what’s going on. So how do YOU know? The answer is no one does. I’ve personally followed some ppl that I know for a fact have been playing this game for awhile and know they don’t cheat, make some really NICE shots. But I’ve seen cheaters make those shots too. But I don’t know them, how long they have been playing the game ect. So we go with our gut. We are sorry if we banned ppl that are legit but we are only human. This is supposed to be fun, no ones perfect (but we try LOL). This post doesn’t need to be responded to by all who read it just to bring out how hard it is to keep game play fair for the little people who just got the game and wanted to try some online fun or for those who are just not quite as good as the people who have had this game since it came out. Just think about what was said here it’s a great server, a great CLAN I love you all for sticking together and standing your ground. This really show what the (RAT_PACK) is made of, and believe me this little adventure will make our clan stronger and better than the next. If we shut down the server for every piss ant that has a problem, this server would have been gone long ago. People that come in here and play for 10 min then go and post on the forum shouldn’t be taken too seriously. For every 1 legit player, there are 10 who are dishonest (cheaters, hackers, ect.). Also this is our house and you are a guest, disrespectful guests are not welcome, as they would not be at your house. As for No Faced Killer I’m with him I will wear my (RAT_PACK) name with pride, as will DarthBudice and Goodtimes. We ARE (RAT_PACK) and will always be.