05-07-2003, 06:14 PM
taking that strictly as i read it because ive never been on your server. i agree completely with what you say. ive made some tough calls on players myself. thinkin. is this guy that good or does he have help. the give away for me is a guy runs into a building. up the stairs around the corner. fires a shot and kills a player who never fired a shot. a few of those and i gota believe he got help and i kick him out. was he just lucky?? i dont know. but i have to go with my gut feeling about it. its the admins job to keep the server as clean as he can. i guess it comes down to this. or at least this is how i justify it to myself. SOMETIMES YOU MUST SACRIFICE A FEW FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. being and amin aint as easy as it looks if your trying to do it right. just my thoughts on the matter.