05-07-2003, 09:02 PM
I have to agree, Noctis didnt have to go make a whole thread dissing you guys because he was kicked. I think you were all just doing what you thought was right, i would have done the same. But after all this that you've said, I have to think again. That is extremely childish of you to get all agrrivated about this (same goes with Noctis) but i mean drop it. Settle this dispute somewhere else.
And what i do to check for cheaters is, i have 2 MOHAA's, one loaded with cheats, the other is cheat free. If i suspect someone is cheating, i quit, load up the cheat MOH, and spectate the suspected player. Its easy to tell, especially if you see them following a guy through a wall with his crosshari. When you see that, i press kick and ban, and hes gone