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Re: stolen RCON
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Default Re: stolen RCON - 05-08-2003, 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by Dreamcatcher
my server has been crashed and had those pesky spinning boats spawned by someone, im not sure if this is the result of a stolen rcon password or perhaps it was somone with the rcon password.

Would someone have to have the rcon password in order to crash the server and/or spawn boats?
The server-crash fix has been out for decades and no they dont need rcon to do it.

And to fucking repeat myself for the tenth time THEY DONT HACK YOUR RCON ITS A FUCKING SCRIPT geez oOo:

The script just changes their name for a split second to `console` so they can spam pre-typed sentances when they are alive looking like they have rcon password.

If someone has your rcon they most probably hacked your e-mail account and obtained it that way, so far as im aware hackers have never been able to obtain rcon passwords or this would have been a far far more serious problem than any fucking wallhack.
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