01-16-2002, 03:14 AM
"Oh no you attack the true North strong and free"
Canada? Strong? Hahahaha...A small nation like Zaire could conquer Canada in a week. You have no choice to be free otherwise we ( The US ) would annex you and use your nation to store our trash. Everyone is entitled to their say, this is true; As i say Canada has nothing good but Ice Hockey. You dont even have good beer.
Flame me? is that your way of saying you want to have sex with my ass? Fucking homo. Why dont you play a game more your style, something like cribbage.
Shady-ass, french canadian. Do you know your motherland fell to the germans in just a short while. I'd have an exact number of weeks but was too busy humping your mom to do any research.
There will be difference between the DEMO and the Retail release...thats why they call it a DEMO...say it with me now...DEEEEMMMMMOOOO.