05-10-2003, 08:40 PM
Dead or Alive 3 sucks...it's another crappy fighting game. The graphics are great, but that's it. Here's a list of the good XBOX games:
Here's a list of the stupid XBOX games(the ones that aren't out for any other system):
Every other XBOX game
They made DoA Beach Volleyball(which this game sucks ass cause it's boring. I hate volleyball games. They are no fun. All you do is sit on your dead ass in the same place hitting balls) to try to get more people to like XBOX, but they failed.
Meanwhile, PS2 sits back on the nice hot, sunny day in Long Beach doing nothing but, ummm, I do not know. Then all of a sudden a shark bites PS2's ass.
Gamecube is living out on Radio Street with all these poor people.
XBOX is, well, dead I guess.
Game Boy Advance is in my pocket.
Super Nintendo, ummm, okay, you don't wanna know.
Of course, you all know that GBA is keeping Nintendo alive. Game Cube is alright, since it has battery capability, but still...
XBOX is gay. THE END. biggrin: